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Emotion and Language (clinical project)

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) for movement disorders can lead language adverse effects. We assess the involvement of subthalamic region , on the production of speech by comparing the neuronal activity during tasks with and without articulation.

Coste J., Perret C., Lemaire J.-J. (Dec 5-8, 2010) Etude de la Production Verbale Orale chez les patients parkinsoniens : corrélations entre Activité Neuronale de Structures sous-thalamiques et Dénomination d’Images. (talk) – Réunion de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française. (Paris, France)
Conference proccedings (abstract O67) Neurochirurgie 56[6], 546

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Perret C., Coste J., Lemaire J.-J. (2010 Aug 27-Sept 1, 2010) Electrophysiological correlates from the subthalamic region for the performance of simple speech sequences. (poster) – 11th International Science of Aphasia Conference (Potsdam, Germany)

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